"One more J6 Win. Political Hostage Ben Martin's Release is Unopposed by
the Government "
greetings. recently i had a "scare" from google (which owns blogger) when they removed this blog (no reason stated) ; and then it suddenly reappeared after about 5 days. Because of this I have a backup ready in case it happens again or gets "false flagged" by a lefty hacker. Write this down if this blog gets removed again: PrayThePolitics.blogspot.com/ ... .... I will keep it private until it is necessary ( to minimize false flags from lefties during this election season).
What I saw and observed on January 6 2021 in Washington DC - * Personally, I did NOT ENCOUNTER any angry, rowdy, people at the rally. They were friendly but passionate about the cause. I didn't make it to the Capit...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
Thursday, October 8, 2015
DON'T APOLOGIZE,ITS TRUE: "Rupert Murdoch Apologizes for Suggesting Obama Is Not a 'Real Black President' - "
Obama is NOT a representative of black America. He grew up in Hawaii & Indonesia,& went to good private schools. He has NO experience in the inner city. He never experienced any real hardships or racism, His mom was white. His dad was African,not African-American.He's quite distant from the typical black Amercan experience.