JEB keeps sounding off soft rhetoric on immigration & border issues. He's a nice guy. A Softie. He's probably right,BUT people want a cheerleader. You see if you say you're going to HIT.1000 people know it means half that. But if you say you're going to HIT .500 ,it means you will hit .250. We all know politicians will NEVER do what they say 100% ,but we can hold them accountable for at least 50% . And we want to feel our leader is strong,and full of testosterone. We want a quarterback! There's good places for quiet,thoughtful,analytic personalities,but its not as a cheerleader. You can be a great advisor though.
Prayers 4 🙏Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli "Nonviolent Comedian Convicted For
Satire After Jan6 is Still Fighting the DOJ After Serving a Three Year
Sentence! "Convicted For Thought Crimes!" INSANE MUST-READ STORY! | L
You can find my research and advocacy for the men I ...