Tuesday, February 26, 2019

IF THIS DOESN'T WAKE UP ORDINARY DEMS, NOTHING WILL "Only 3 Democrat Senators Vote for Bill Protecting Babies Born Alive After Abortion ..website.The poll found that 34 percent of Democrats now identified as pro-life, up from 20 percent a month ago. Among Americans, “only 18 percent think abortion should be allowed at any time up until birth,” and that Americans.."

  IF THIS DOESN'T WAKE UP ORDINARY DEMS (as opposed to the radical left ) , NOTHING WILL "Only 3 Democrat Senators Vote for Bill Protecting Babies Born Alive After Abortion ..website.
The poll found that 34 percent of Democrats now identified as pro-life, up from 20 percent a month ago. Among Americans, "only 18 percent think abortion should be allowed at any time up until birth," and that Americans.."