"US monitoring intelligence that North Korean leader is in grave danger after surgery ...Kim received the cardiovascular system procedure because of "excessive smoking, obesity, and overwork," according to the news site, and is now receiving treatment in a villa in Hyangsan County following his procedure..."
greetings. recently i had a "scare" from google (which owns blogger) when they removed this blog (no reason stated) ; and then it suddenly reappeared after about 5 days. Because of this I have a backup ready in case it happens again or gets "false flagged" by a lefty hacker. Write this down if this blog gets removed again: PrayThePolitics.blogspot.com/ ... .... I will keep it private until it is necessary ( to minimize false flags from lefties during this election season).
What I saw and observed on January 6 2021 in Washington DC - * Personally, I did NOT ENCOUNTER any angry, rowdy, people at the rally. They were friendly but passionate about the cause. I didn't make it to the Capit...